The revival from the Oblivion | Chapter #1

About: With this blog in place, I completely forgot the diary my best friend once. The last thing that I wrote in that diary dates back to February Ninth. This blog came to be in May and grew in popularity in August month. The reckoning came on September, the day this diary revives from the oblivion. The poem is here. 

Since months, my dear diary
You have been biting the dust
But it is the technology which is to blame
For which I developed a lust.

February Ninth to September 16
That’s a long distance, 219 days apart
Rivaled in May, Forgotten in June
Now what to do, I am also bad-
bad at the apologizing art.
The blog drove the car in July
August, I rode on its back
Till I realized one Friday
It is time to get back.

Get back to that diary
Who was my crying towel
Get back to that farmer
For planting the seeds of English Language
He who provided the shovel.

See Chapter #2 

About Chetan

A twenty year old infant who fears if crows may shit on him or if Bengali aunties' umbrellas may prick him in the eye. He is currently waiting for Mamata Banerjee to leave Kolkata.

Posted on October 28, 2011, in Bloctober, February Compositions., Revival from the Oblivion. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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